Breast Lift Questions - ICS By Fustok

Breast Lift Questions

Breast Lift

  • Abdominoplasty
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Reduction
  • Botox
  • Forehead Lift
  • Brachioplasty
  • Breast Lift
  • Body Lift
  • Thigh Lift
  • Chemical Peel
  • Restylane
  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Neck Lift

The need here is Personal.Aging, nursing and other factors (genetic, nutritional) can cause the breast to descend away from the chest which tends to widen the space between the breasts as well. If that is something that you do not wish to have then breast lift is an option. Breast augmentation is not necessarily a solution for the real sagginess unless there is both deflation and sagginess.

A breast lift alone will cause a very small  reduction in size because this is necessary to remove extra tissue from the lower pole. If you wish to maintain the same size, but just have it repositioned, you should consider a breast lift in combination with (small) implants to give you the added fullness up top and firmness.

There may be a temporary loss of sensation, but this feeling usually returns. The nipples are never divided from the underlying tissue, so that nerve branches are spared.

Scars are the consequence of any surgery. Using a vertical lollipop type of technique when indicated helps reduce the number of scars. There is a circular scar around the areola and a vertical scar down the middle of the breast..This approach avoids a horizontal scar and provides better breast shape. Scarring is the way we heal and the qualities of the scars depend on many factors,( genetic,, nutritional, etc).There are ways to prevent scars from thickening.

A breast lift is not as much soreness as a breast augmentation because there is no need to make a pocket under the muscle. A breast lift done in conjunction with a breast augmentation is no more painful that a breast augmentation alone. This is because the pain usually comes from the dissection under the muscle to place the implant.

Because the nipple stays attached to underlying breast tissue, this surgery is unlikely to affect your ability to breast feed.

Most patients return to work in a week, but there certainly is a range. Some women get back to work in a few days and others are glad they took a week off. If you have a physical job, two weeks off is better.

Pain pump is available if needed. Yet in our experience it has not been necessary for this type of surgery. I will discuss with you the pro and con of having this device.

These are answers to the most common asked questions. We feel the more informed our patients are the better we feel. This information was not meant to be exhaustive or complete. Dr. Fustok will give you additional information during the consultation and will answer to the best of his knowledge any inquiry. Surgery is an art not an exact science.

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